We Got Tricked

I used to years ago watch this conspiracy theory channels on YouTube and I used to get so angry because I was always upset what the media was trying to sell me, what the school system told me, and who I was told by family and peers told me who I was.

I was so angry!

Through the years I learned that anger wouldn’t help as people always respond to someone who is angry and disseminating the information as some crazy conspiracy theorist! And that I assure you I am not. All that one has to do is do the research!

But as I look back through history, I understand that for millennia humanity loved to be told what to believe in and what to think, as we study through most imperialistic systems and religious beliefs there is always a need for salvation, so thousands of years ago we relinquished our own power to Kings or Queens, or in the religious realm salvation or deliverance of all sins through a savior.

Wow, the best cop out! I don’t need to take any responsibility for my actions if I confess my sins, or I don’t have to think for myself because there is a law decreed by another human being who is as flawed as I am, but I will take that law because I don’t have to do any extra work by thinking for myself.

For me that never applied because from a young age I always asked why, which I am not going to lie, it got me into some much trouble at school, because I always asked WHY, so I was deemed a problem child who was extremely insubordinate, when I saw myself full of love and always ready to give love to others, but because of my behavior I was a loner, and became extremely good at playing by myself and create this elaborate fantasy worlds and hang out with my Grandmother all the time, because in her I found unconditional love.

I had to understand from an early age that I did not belong because I did not believe in salvation yet to come but to love and live in the moment with those who are in front of me, but because I was extremely effeminate I couldn’t get close to either my father or my brother, or any of the other men in my family.

So from a very early age I already understood that by not conforming to others it was going to be a very lonely experience, and I made my final choice, I did not care that I didn’t have any friends, so I found solace in my being alone and playing alone, I got a break when I was in High-school as being rebellious at that age was viewed as normal so I can expertly camouflage my behavior  so I had a group of close friends, but when I moved to the US I was in the last of my teen years, so my twenties was about finding a career that I loved and so I did, so in my 20s I was really trying to cultivate friendships and I didn’t really focus on romantic relationships, in my 30s I caved into the pressures of society, and got married, divorced and had a slew of failed relationships, but I did learn so much from my partners, all of them were great teachers and contributed one way or another into my spiritual growth.

So in my 40s I learned that love the way that I was looking for wasn’t there to be found in the conventional societal way, at least not for me, this is not criticism it is just not me. So going back to what I said earlier, there are more things going on not only in our political climate, in our history, and where humanity was kept in the dark, and this things need to come out to light, as uncomfortable as they will be  trust me, I was on the other side where uncomfortable was all that I knew, but let me tell you that in retrospective, through my lone journey I discovered that so much love was there! More that I could have even think of! Through my lone journey I met so many incredibly loving people that guided me showed me unconditional love and protected by an ever loving Universe!

You see I realized that the moment that you become curious the Universe supports your journey! And the journey gets juicier, loving and filled with joy!!!

So do not ever fear un-comfortability, as through un-comfortability we reach a point of revolution through discovery, fear will always keep you exactly where you are! Love will always lead you to the road of discovery, and through discovery is when we find ourselves.

Only and only then we can ascend to a higher frequency! Do not fear disappointment, heartbreak, as through those emotions we truly connect to our humanity, do your research and stay informed, within yourself and within the society that you live in, do not take anything at face value, believe no one and do your own research!

I love you all so much!


Hello, My Beautiful Love Tribe!


love obsessed