What is reality anyways?!

What is reality my love? I ask you this because for many years I thought that what I see is all that is! But I as I began my spiritual journey into the unknown I realized that the action wasn't in the physical, but in the energy realms, well there are so many names to this energy void of creation, the most noted being Abraham Hicks "the Vortex". Indeed this vortex of creation that can be accessed at anytime is where our focal point should go everyday.


Setting up times exclusively for visualization works for most and for some of us who have a more vivid imagination, any downtime we have we can just drift into visualization! If you have a more structured personality then set aside times dedicated specially to visualization, I suggest that you use morning as soon as you wake up, and in the evening before bed, focus your visualization  on what it is that you want in your life, example: if you want a new apartment and you wish to move, focus on the new apartment down to the smallest detail, what does the kitchen have and what does it look like? Does it have a breakfast bar? Picture yourself drinking your morning cup of coffee on it! Look out the window, what kind of view do you have? How do you feel as you look out the window?


Another of my clients favorite examples: MONEY , imagine yourself making the largest deposit at an ATM, one that needs you to reload five or six times the money into the slot because it only takes $300 at a time. And look at the screen as you load up the money and see your balance be the highest possible that you can believe for yourself! The sun shines through the glass window of the bank, and as you get your receipt with your balance picture yourself smiling as you walk out of the branch and the sun is so bright you have to put on your sunglasses!


You see reality is what we make of it, the Universe is always waiting for a command of what do you want to experience next! Even Science has discovered that nothing is solid in this reality as it appears to our human eyes, when looking at atoms we now understand that they are in constant motion and constantly changing, so what appears to be solid is not until you touch it, please don’t walk into a wall to experiment the theory! Lol!!! As things are made to feel real, so it will hurt!


So as you can see, touch is a form of focus, when you touch a table you are focusing on it so it is solid to you, and to everyone that focuses on it


So creation is part of being a human, so if you put your focus and intention into a new home, money, or a new love interest, that is you commanding the Universe that it is what you want to experience next, so it will have to create it for you! So as you can see the action is happening constantly in the unseen!!! 


So in conclusion, who are we to say that we are not progressing into the success that you  envisioned for yourself? Ah!!!! You are focusing on your current situation!!! GUILTY!!! There is nothing in your current situation that will show you what is coming your way but small signals from the Universe and breadcrumbs that they are leaving for you to know that you are making progress. And again, who are you to say that your success is not guaranteed?! You lack humility my friend, have faith that the commands that you put in are in the works currently and keep focusing on what you want to experience next, do not judge your current situation, all that your current situation is, is the manifestation that you created when you thought of yourself as powerless and victimized by your circumstances, it takes the same amount of creation power to create a powerless version of yourself as it takes to create a more empowered version of you! So, use your power wisely!



I love you so much!!!! You got this!



-Ariel Vega


the intensity is palpable


Hello, My Beautiful Love Tribe!