the intensity is palpable

Hello my beautiful Love tribe!

I just realized that we are entering into a time of intensification and as you might have noticed

this might have presented itself as a missed opportunity, a friendship or relationship fallout, job loss etc.

I know that to some those may be absolute calamities, but trust me when I say this, those are rederctions or recalibrations

Now as some of you might already know if you derail from your main goal the Universe has to correct it and redirect you back to your journey or purpose, so if you per say enter a new relationship out of feeling lonely and the Universe feels like you are entering a codependent type relationship because you entered out of fear of being alone then they will remove you from it, so it might manifest as the other party ghosting you, a visceral break up, or just the dynamic between the two of you turns sour. so the Universe does this because it knows that a better, healthier relationship is on the way to you so they remove the impediment or blockage to guarantee your success! So it is an absolute act of love and care on the Universe's behalf! Unfortunately we are heavily conditioned in our society that whatever we want is up to us to create, but as we understand more intimately the workings of not only the Universe but our guides, angels and spirit team we begin to wake up to the understanding that it is more of a team effort. So we begin to release resistance, trust the process and learn to flow

Now trust me when I say that it is not an easy feat! I understand! It is years worth of conditioning that need to be demolished in order to fully trust and release, but it is something that you need to work on now! take it one day at a time and be very compassionate if you find yourself reverting to where you where.

As fore-mentioned the same example applies to a job that you take out of fear or a friendship in which you entered because the other person felt stronger than you and you entered the friendship to make an alliance per say and the Universe wants you to be strong on your own, or you entered a friendship with the premise of trauma bonding

So as we enter this time of intensification of our journey into a deeper purpose the lower quality or lower vibrational dynamics that are still keeping you distracted are inevitably being removed, now I strongly advise against defaulting into victimhood and become more aware of why this dynamics are in fact being removed from your immediate reality so that you do not repeat any past patterns! A couples of things that you should remind yourself on an everyday basis is that nothing is a coincidence in this realm, there is no such thing as luck but there is such thing as alignment, this two things will be of tremendous help at this time!

You are now entering the pupate state. In Butterflies they enter the chrysalis or cocoon, in the process the caterpillar dissolves itself into a nutrient rich soup that only retains the cellular memory of butterfly parts that will form later on, but first the dissolution of the caterpillar has to take place

So you see, you have to dissolve all conditioning and past personality traits in order to create the butterfly that you are becoming, so much like the caterpillar the Universe has to dissolve all of that you knew at a lesser version of yourself to become the finalized glorious version that you are becoming, it’s just natural!

Do not let the fear of what is to come stop this beautiful transformation you are undergoing right now. All of this is orchestrated by the Universe with absolute love right now! Trust the genius of the events unfolding in your life right now, this is the time to release and learn to flow! You got this!

I love you!

-Ariel Vega


our own created matrix


What is reality anyways?!